Everything You Need To Know About Serotonin
Serotonin in the human body plays a wide variety of functions. Most people call this chemical happy because it contributes to human well-being and happiness. However, most individuals who know about the brain's functions call it a neurotransmitter. Apart from that, some say it is just a hormone, and the body uses this hormone to send messages between the nerve cells.
What is Serotonin?
Serotonin, also called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT, is one of the naturally occurring substances that work as neurotransmitters to carry signals between nerve cells in the entire body. This chemical is found in various parts of the body, including the digestive system, blood platelets, and in nervous system.
Moreover, Serotonin in the body is made up of the amino acid tryptophan and that acid called amino enters the human body through our diet or food like meat, eggs, some dairy products, and nuts.
What does serotonin do in the human body?
Serotonin is well-known for playing several roles in the body's functions. Some of them are: -
● Mood
Serotonin inside the brain helps in regulating the mood of the human being. People call it a natural feel-good chemical. But it will make you feel good if the serotonin level is normal in the brain. However, if the serotonin level is low, it will lead to depression, and to make it normal, you have to take medications.
● Nausea
Nausea is triggered if the serotonin is released into the gut more quickly than it is digested. Due to this gut, the brain receives the chemical message that results in nausea.
● Blood clotting
When due, for some reason, tissue of the body gets damaged, the platelet cells quickly release serotonin that helps heal the wound. But if the serotonin level increases with time, it will cause tiny arteries to become narrow, due to which they get smaller, and blood will flow slowly.
● Bone density
According to a report, serotonin levels also impact the bone density of the human being. Additionally, if the serotonin level increases in the gut, it is directly associated with lower bone density, due to which conditions like osteoporosis can erupt.
● Sexual Health
Apart from all the above things, serotonin also influences sexual frequency and intensity.
Issues related to low serotonin levels
If the body has a low level of serotonin, then many negative health conditions can erupt. Some of them are: -
1. Sleep issues
2. Digestive problems
3. Depression
4. Phobias
5. Panic disorders
6. Schizophrenia
7. Post-traumatic stress disorders
8. Suicidal behavior
How do you increase the serotonin level in the human body?
According to experts, some of the things you can do to increase the serotonin level are: -
● Have certain types of supplements
● Go for regular exercise
● Lower the stress level
● Taking more tryptophan-containing food
● Take more sunlight
The bottom line
Serotonin is essential in many bodily functions, which you have read above. So, if you think that your health condition is affected by serotonin, consulting a healthcare provider is the best option. Ensure not to consider taking drugs or any supplements yourself, as it is not on the safe side.
For more information, just ping Bright Minds Biosciences, Canada's No. 1 biotechnology company or drug developer company. Developing next level and of serotonin drugs, Psychedelic drug for mental health.

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