Everything You Need To Know About Serotonin
Serotonin in the human body plays a wide variety of functions. Most people call this chemical happy because it contributes to human well-being and happiness. However, most individuals who know about the brain's functions call it a neurotransmitter. Apart from that, some say it is just a hormone, and the body uses this hormone to send messages between the nerve cells. What is Serotonin? Serotonin , also called 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT, is one of the naturally occurring substances that work as neurotransmitters to carry signals between nerve cells in the entire body. This chemical is found in various parts of the body, including the digestive system, blood platelets, and in nervous system. Moreover, Serotonin in the body is made up of the amino acid tryptophan and that acid called amino enters the human body through our diet or food like meat, eggs, some dairy products, and nuts. What does serotonin do in the human body? Serotonin is well-known for playing several roles in...